HyperPay Corporates with LifePay, to Issue UnionPay and VISA Credit Card
24 Oct 2021

HyperPay wallet has reached a strategic partnership with LifePay, an international compliant crypto asset payment service provider, and the two parties will work in depth on the credit card and payment business.

HyperPay is planning to corporate with LifePay to issue the crypto asset credit card in several countries around the world, continuing to connect the crypto world with traditional financial payment tools, allowing users to pay by credit cards with cryptos deposited as they like. This partnership will enable HyperPay to provide users around the world with a more user-friendly and compliant digital asset payment experience, and optimize current experience and transaction fee in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and others. It effectively solve the problem of HyperPay users unable to consume their crypto assets by creating a seamless interface between crypto and fiat, which is another milestone in HyperPay’s deep commitment to the payment field.


About LifePay

LifePay is a financial technology company jointly established in 2020 by Australian-listed Novatti Group (ASX:NOV) and AFIG, a compliant crypto asset payment service provider with the Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) No. 448066, and has been engaged in the payment field for years. At present, LifePay has worked with UnionPay, VISA, ANZ, Bank of Shanghai and other financial institutions to provide users with a new payment experience. 

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